Showing posts with label FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr.. Show all posts

Frank Doyle Jr. - The FBI Paid Hack that destroys life, limb and property

Frank Doyle Jr.

The 1990 Judi Bari Bombing

The reality of information will blow your mind



Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures

Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures

Pete Bennett cabinet business began in late 70's in a small 2 car garage in Pleasant Hill CA.   Working hard every day, eventually outgrew the garage then moving to Cloverdale Ave, Pittsburg CA. The shop folded when FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr. arrived when

Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures


One beautiful morning on or about August 27, 1987, Pete Bennett needed to send fax. One of his restuarant designer customers was just around the the corner allowed free use of their fax as back a fax machine was expensive.


Suspected Corruption Investigation at the City of Pittsburg

Sometime prior to 2001, Huppert began working with the FBI on an investigation into suspected corruption within the PPD. While he does not disclose what assistance he gave to the FBI, he does claim that this work was “outside [his] duties as a member of the PPD.” Then, in January 2001, his superior, William Zbacnik, informed Huppert that he would be transferred to “Code Enforcement,” also known as the “Strategic Operations Bureau.”   He was officially transferred in June 2001, and was sent to a building known within the PPD as the “Penal Colony,” because “disaffected and/or disfavored officers were assigned there.”   Huppert's new supervisor, William Hendricks (“Hendricks”), informed him that he had been sent to the “Penal Colony” because Baker wanted Hendricks to find a way to fire him.   Huppert's new office at the “Penal Colony” was a “tiny converted bathroom without computer access,” and even though he was assigned to investigate gang-related activity, the building was not equipped with the proper secured areas needed for his investigations.   During the six-month period between January and June 2001, Huppert was not permitted to work overtime.
Salgado joined the force in 1995 and was, for the majority of his tenure, a detective.   In September 2001, he was assigned to the “Strategic Operations Bureau” as Huppert's partner.   Baker assigned both of them to investigate suspected corruption at the local City-owned golf course, but told them not to inform Hendricks of this assignment.   The investigation “revealed improper conduct by members of the PPD, including gambling, accepting free golf, and possible illegal drug activity.”   After only two interviews, Baker commanded that Huppert and Salgado cease the investigation.   Once they informed Hendricks, he encouraged them to continue investigating and informed Baker that Huppert and Salgado were still looking into corruption at the golf course.   Hendricks also informed the FBI that he believed there was a major gambling operation on-going at the golf course.
Huppert claims that while Baker told them not to memorialize their findings, they drafted a report at the conclusion of their inquiry and directed it to Baker and the Pittsburg City Manager.   The report “included a finding that defendant Zbacnik had accepted thousands of dollars in gratuities and other illegal perks.”   However, following the report, Baker took no action against Zbacnik, and instead deemed Zbacnik's actions a “training issue.”

Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures and his former client PG&E (1981 to 1987)

Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures

Pete Bennett founded his cabinet business around 1979 in his small garage in Pleasant Hill CA. The shop survived with plenty of bumps and setbacks until 1989. The shop folded when FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr. arrived explaining he was unable to protect me.

Of course I believed him as my left hand had just been shattered.

Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures

former site of cabinet shop owned by Pete Bennett plaintiff in the Matter of Bennett verus Southern Pacific, Contra Costa County (1987)

1989 ~ The Hand Injury

former site of cabinet shop owned by Pete Bennett plaintiff in the Matter of Bennett versus Southern Pacific, Contra Costa County (1987)

1987 ~ The Head Trauma and related injuries


One beautiful morning on or about August 27, 1987, Pete Bennett needed to send fax. One of his restaurant designer customers was just around the the corner allowed free use of their fax as in 1987,  fax machines were expensive. 

Just a few hundred feet on a my touring bike became a life changing event.


FBI Director Mueller, Ukraine and FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr.

Editor Notes:

Relevance #1: Frank Doyle Jr. first contact 1989, Pittsburg CA
Relevance #2: In the Matter of Bennett v. Southern Pacific, witness Floyd Brown Jr. murdered
Relevance #3: Doyle operated the West Coast Bomb School
Relevance #4: Pete Bennett former resident of Danville CA is arson/bombing victim
Relevance #5: Pavel Lazarenko and Ukrainian businessman Peter KiritchenkoKey People
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Connecting Actors in 1993 World Trade Center Bombings

The Investigators
U.S. Attorney for the Southern District
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1989 FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr.
During Bennett v. Southern Pacific Contra Costa Superior Court (1987) the above FBI agent arrived at Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures.
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1990 The Judi Bari Bombing
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
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The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
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FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr.

During Bennett v. Southern Pacific Contra Costa Superior Court (1987) the above FBI agent arrived at Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures.

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1990 The Judi Bari Bombing

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.
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The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.
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Special Counsel Robert Mueller

This is a teaser page for what I know about mr. Mueller and his relevance to a 1989 murder involving Southern Pacific, Philip Anschutz, later involving Richard Morgan, Kinder Morgan lines and Governor Newsom who signed a reward for $250,000 that almost got me killed.

That also brings in Oklahoma City bombing, events in Denver such Jobenet Ramsey the 1993 world trade Center bombing and events around 9:11 we're one of his agents was killed is the world trade Center.

Frank Doyle Jr.
The best part his his FBI agent Frank Doyle Jr was once in my cabinet shop in 1989 pitching is snake oil as investigation.

I have no ill-will towards mr. Mueller I'm really troubled that I am somehow very close to more than one plumbing and bomb squads plus I'm a little perturbed that my f250 blew up with me inside at 90 miles an hour.
And no one has the police report?

FBI Agent Frank Doyle Jr. Who? What? Why? Former FBI Bomb School and Perjurer


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